5 Underrated Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies (And 1 That Is Not)

4. Eraser (1996)

Eraser was a good financial success for Arnie in the mid-90s, making near $250 million dollars at the box office, but was poorly received critically (only getting 36% at Rotten Tomatoes). A certain CGI-nightmare that featured Arnie shooting an alligator has become a horror story of mid-90s attempts CGI and a thing of ridicule and rightly so, it looks truly ridiculous. But other than that, Eraser is a standard thriller with plenty of thrills and excitement. From the opening scene, Schwarzenegger€™s Kruger is something of a bad-ass, and even after being betrayed by his mentor DeGuerin (James Caan), is still cool as a breeze protecting the lady (Vanessa Williams) and dispensing of waves of bad guys equipped with rail-guns that can conveniently see through walls. For a pre-teen me back in the day (and I assume any other teenage boys with a love of big action films), these guns were a pretty cool concept and in the hands of Arnie makes for highly satisfying onscreen carnage.


A fountain of knowledge in useless film related trivia. Loves a good Simpsons reference. Also likes to write about stuff.