6 Worst Moments of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

6. What A Creepy Smile You Have

At the beginning of the film, we see a dusty, desolate wasteland identified as the €œPlanet of Galactic Peace.€ A bald man is digging a hole, or something. An ominous hooded rider appears, and grabs the man, takes away €œhis pain€ and recruits him for a quest. He then removes his hood and we see the pointed ears of a Vulcan. The man exclaims, €œyou€™re a Vulcan!€ the Vulcan laughs (which is out of character for Vulcans, in case you didn€™t know) and then the man gets this weird, goofy smile as the theme music swells. Why is this so bad? This movie came out when I was 7, when I took most of what I saw in TV shows and movies as realistic. But this is where I fell off the Star Trek V-train. Like I said, several parts of this movie make the viewer ask, €œwhat is that?€ or €œwhy did that just happen?€ This is one of them. Why was the guy smiling so weirdly? My dad said it was because a Vulcan was laughing, my mom said it was because he was surprised to see a Vulcan around all those dusty holes, my brother said I should shut up and leave him alone. So it didn€™t make any sense. But beyond that, it was just stupid; it looks like a poorly-made farce rather than something that once aspired to be serious. And this is before the title sequence.

Peter Henne hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.