7 Classic Disney Characters You Had No Idea Were Modelled On Real People

4. Pocahontas Is Irene Bedard


The Character: The story of Pocahontas is one that perseveres almost four hundred years after her death, not least because of its retellings in numerous guises. The Disney version changes a lot of the key elements, removing much of the tragedy and putting heavy focus on her relationship with John Smith. It is rather sad that the social significance of Pocahontas - presented as an example of a civilised savage - is lost, but the film does have racial sensitivity and was the most high profile bringing of the story to a mainstream audience this side of Avatar.

The Real Person: To cast a Native American with sensitivity, the only real option is to cast a Native American (take note Jerry Bruckheimer). Irene Bedard is one actress who has flourished in this niche. When crafting Pocahontas, animators turned to her looks for the general design, being one of the most prolific portrayers of the indigenous people. Bedard also voiced the native American, but that involvement came from her being the character'€™s model first.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.