8 Great Characters Fox's Marvel Movies Have Completely Screwed Up

6. Typhoid Mary

In the comic books, Typhoid Mary is a wonderfully complex Daredevil villain who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Her three personalities are all vastly different, though her fighting abilities and low level psychic powers have made her a formidable threat over the years (she even served as The Kingpin's assassin for a time). Unfortunately, the Elektra movie decided to throw pretty much all of that out of the window. Taking the name a little too literally, the makers of that critically panned spinoff turned Mary into just another ninja with the ability to emit poisonous gas from her body. All of a sudden, this interesting comic book character was transformed into a generic villain who I'm willing to bet that you had a) forgotten before reading this, and b) totally didn't realise she was supposed to be the same Typhoid Mary from the comics. Just like the many unnecessary cameos in the X-Men movies featuring multiple versions of beloved characters in name alone - you could make this entire list about that lot - Typhoid Mary is a perfect example of Fox just plucking a character from the comics and forcing them into a role they have no place being in. Thankfully, the right to her are now back at Marvel Studios, so hopefully Daredevil's TV show can set things right.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.