8 Great Characters Fox's Marvel Movies Have Completely Screwed Up

1. Deadpool

Deadpool may have been redeemed at last in his own incredible solo outing, but that doesn't mean his original big screen appearance can or should be forgotten. The fact that the bulk of X-Men Origins: Wolverine no longer exists because of an altered timeline doesn't mean the movie isn't still out there, and the way Fox decided to handle this character's introduction is in equal parts infuriating and baffling. It just made no sense! Ryan Reynolds' early scenes as Wade Wilson were pretty good fun, but even then they missed the point. Since when has Deadpool been fast enough to move through a hail of bullets and cut them in half? His transformation into "Barakapool" was most baffling though, especially when the studio teased his survival in an after-credits scene; just what in the hell was he going to return as somewhere down the line? Whatever it was, it simply couldn't have been a comic book faithful version of the Merc with the Mouth, and the way Fox handled him here proves just how clueless they were and arguably still are. Deadpool is the perfect example of the studio having no respect for or knowledge about the characters they hold the rights to, so fans should just be grateful when they luck upon filmmakers to steer them in the right direction... Which other Fox comic book movie characters belong on this list? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.