8 Reasons Why Justice League Will Make Ben Affleck The Definitive Batman

8. He Has The Best Gadgets

Ben Affleck Batman
Warner Bros.

In just two films, we’ve already seen five batsuits with varying abilities and gadgets, and it seems that Affleck's Batman has had more of a hand in making them than any of his forebears. The '90s films didn't focus on technology, and Bale’s Batman relied solely on Lucius Fox for his gadgets - in short, this is the most creative Batman in cinematic history.

BvS alone featured a wide array of gadgets, including device cloning technology; 'leeches' (used to track data in Lex Luthor's house); a 3D sonar mapping system; military-grade decryption software; and 'drone mode', which allows Alfred to pilot the Batwing remotely. Along with this come all the toys you'd expect for a billionaire crime-fighting vigilante, like intercom and infrared vision. And while there's no Bat shark repellant, the cowl provides a voice modulator, a honeycomb armour design and full neck rotation.

These gadgets have been specially designed for ultimate utility. The grappling gun has a return on the handle to provide a second function as a hammer, which is used in combat during the warehouse scene. Batarangs are Batman's most iconic crime-fighting tool, and are used uniquely in the DCEU, as not only a weapon, but also as a calling card. This is especially threatening as they are the exact same shape as the notorious bat brand, used to label criminals for particularly heinous acts.

For the battle against Superman, Batman develops sonar guns, exploiting Superman's super-hearing; lead smoke grenades (the one substance Superman can't see through); kryptonite gas grenades; and a kryptonite spear. This is a Batman who fought Superman on his own using gadgets of his own design, and Justice League expands on this, as Batman introduces rookie superheroes Cyborg and the Flash to his armoury.

And of course, fighting parademons gives Batman an opportunity to develop weapons that would otherwise be too dangerous for use against human enemies (not that it stopped him in BvS).
