8 Ridiculous Movie Title Changes

1. John Carter

Disney concluded, after last years mega-flop Mars Needs Moms, that a movie set on Mars is doomed to fail at the box office. So when their big release for 2012 had the offending planet in the title, they swiftly took it out. On top of that, any mention of Mars was axed from publicity; the Martian's name for the planet Barsoom, was used instead. That left a sci-fi epic based on a revolutionary series with one of the blandest titles ever and the distinct whiff of an Avatar rip-off. To say the film failed is putting it lightly; it barely made back its budget, making a terrible loss when you account for publicity and director Andrew Stanton has now ran back to Pixar. What Disney didn€™t realise was that it wasn€™t Mars that was putting people off their films; Curiosity has shown just how popular the red planet is. No, it was the bland generic stories, lack of spectacle and most importantly terrible word of mouth that caused its Mars based projects to fail. In the end, the title change proved the nail in the coffin.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.