8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

8. Marty Fears He'll Turn Gay - Back To The Future

Marty Back To The Future Gay Deleted Scene
Universal Pictures

The Deleted Scene: Before heading off to the Fish Under the Sea dance, Marty and Doc discuss the implications of their plan to get the former's parents together by using him as bait. You see, like everyone in the audience did an hour ago, Marty's figured out how bats**t weird it is that he's going to be hitting on his mother and is worrying what effect it'll have on him in the long run. What if it... turns him gay?

Why It's So Bad: Part of Back To The Future's charm is that even though it's dealing in explicit incest it never directly addresses it. This scene not only undercuts that, but takes it to the next level with a bizarre semi-homophobic remark that would feel a bit awkward coming from a 1950s era Doc, let alone the progressive, 1985 Marty McFly. In one line his entire character becomes a little less unequivocally likeable.

Just as bad (well, not really, but it comes pretty close) is Doc's response, questioning why Marty wouldn't be happy. Because pointing out that gay used to just mean jovial, not homosexual, has never been done before.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.