8 Most Ungrateful Film Characters Of All Time

A little 'thank you' wouldn't go amiss...

In the real world we deal with ungrateful people on a daily basis. Drivers who don't say thank you, shoppers who don't acknowledge a door being held open for them and girlfriends who think tickets to the John Carpenter all-nighter are a terrible birthday present. We have all been there and have all felt the rage course through our veins at an act of kindness/endeavour/courage going unnoticed or being unappreciated. Sadly, things aren't much better in the world of film. The ingrates of this life have climbed out of their Land Rovers, moved out of the doorway of your local supermarket and smugly swaggered their way onto the screen of our local cinemas. Of course all evil-doers are ungrateful, they are simply conforming to an archetype. Yet it is not these ungrateful bad guys that I have a problem with. Nor is it characters who are initially ungrateful but embark on a journey of discovery and finish the film a shining beacon of virtuosity, such as Scrooge or Nicholas Van Orten (The Game). No, these chaps are just fine. The characters I have a problem with are those infuriatingly ungrateful specimens that don't even know they are being ungrateful. The seemingly good guys, the heroes and heroines we are meant to root for that are too busy being brilliant to say 'cheers', 'thanks' or give a person a thumbs-up. These are the guys that make this list. So here are eight of the worst ungrateful characters captured on film; more likely to say f**k you than thank you if you do anything for them. As always please be aware this list contains SPOILERS, as well as some godawful puns, and please feel free to highlight those characters I have failed to include in the comments section.

I look like Sue Perkins. I have a beard. I write and make films but not necessarily in that order.