9 Almost-Great Movie Moments Ruined By Shoddy CGI

9. Young Magneto And Xavier - X-Men: The Last Stand

Young Magneto And Xavier X-Men.jpg

As if wanting to stamp out any hopes fans may have had for the first Singer-less X-Men, Brett Ratner opened his film with the worst effect the series has ever seen (and that includes Wolverine's claws from Origins). Using the same process that will unrealistically make Orlando Bloom a young Legolas later this year for The Desolation Of Smaug, we got to see Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, only twenty years younger.

Well, sort of. The pair look like they've been wrapped in clingfilm and developed a bad case of dead eye. An opportunity to see the former friends working together and Xavier out of a wheelchair, not to mention a young Jean Grey, was an incredibly enticing promise, but all we can focus on is this cartoonish de-aging.

What makes this worse is that Stewart hadn't aged much in the preceding twenty years; imagine how much cheaper it would have been to provide a small wig for him? It all strikes as a little too much.

This effect was ill advisedly repeated in Origins, but considering how great this opening could have been, it's The Last Stand that makes the list.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.