9 Filmmakers Who Apologised For Their Movies

9. Paul Newman - The Silver Chalice

Even cinema icons have to start somewhere, but they don€™t have to be proud of it. Paul Newman made his acting debut in an historical epic called The Silver Chalice, where he played a Greek artist. He was never shy about his feelings on the film, as he once called it €œthe worst motion picture produced during the 1950€™s€. He invited friends over to his house so they could all laugh at it together, as well as calling it the only movie he regretted making. When a Los Angeles TV station scheduled The Silver Chalice to air for a few nights in 1966, he took the opportunity to warn the public. He paid over a thousand dollars to buy ad space in local newspapers that read simply €œPaul Newman apologizes every night this week €“ Channel 9€. If he hoped that would turn people off his plan backfired; the movie received high ratings every night it was aired.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.