9 Great Film Performances From Non-Actors

3. Madonna - Dick Tracy

For a lot of guys in their thirties, the first example they ever had of a femme fatale was Madonna in Dick Tracy. And like any good femme fatale, you almost have to hope that the hero picks her over the goody two shoes girl waiting in the wings. With that one rule in mind, Madonna's Breathless Mahoney absolutely passes with flying colors. Breathless Mahoney was a role that 1990's Madonna was born to play. With ease she alternates from sultry song and dance numbers to pushing the limits of the movie's PG rating just with her sheer presence onscreen. Some might say that Evita is a better example that the Material Girl can act but for a generation of boys who felt uncomfortable watching Dick Tracy with their parents, the choice is easy.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.