9 Movie Biopics Despised By Their Own Subjects

9. Michael Oher (The Blind Side)

The Blind Side The Blind Side doesn't need any help being ripped to shreds, for though it was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar and scooped a Best Actress award for Sandra Bullock, it's the zenith of patronising, easily digestible Lifetime Movie-of-the-Week garbage, and barely sticks in the mind for more than a few minutes post-viewing. The movie serves primarily as a biopic of Michael Oher, the downtrodden teenager who defied the odds and became a first-round NFL draft pick, and reverent though it is, its subject apparently didn't take too kindly to his depiction. Oher recently went on record to say, "I'm tired of the movie...Football is what got me here, and the movie, it wasn't me...The movie is great...but the main problem I have is with the football part of it. Sports is all I had growing up, and the movie made me look like I didn't know anything." Though Oher naturally chose his words carefully, he's not wrong; the film tries to pose him favourably in a rags-to-riches light, though at the same time also makes him seem like an utterly clueless young man.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.