9 Movie Prequels That Created Massive Plot Holes

9. Kirk's Multiple Birth Dates - Star Trek

star trek kirk birth

Because it starts with time travelling Romulans making a reality alternate to the timeline Trekkies had obsessed over for decades, J.J. Abrams reboot of Star Trek is for the most part pretty impenetrable to plot holes. Any continuity snafus can be simply explained as a part of the butterfly effect of red matter and wormholes and sci-fi mumbo jumbo.

Why is everyone impressed by Kirk beating the Kobayashi Maru in The Wrath Of Khan if he very publicly cheated? F**k you, time travel. Why does Spock show interest in Uhura at all in this version? F**k you, time travel. Why does Khan de-age and develop kung-fu skills? F**k you, time travel.

Of course, this go-to explanation doesn't work for moments that occur before the timeline divergence. And even thought that only amounts to a couple of minutes of screen-time, a major inconsistency rears its head.

In the Prime Universe (the Shatner version) Kirk was born on Earth on March 22, 2233, but in the alternate reality he's born in in space a couple of months earlier. Sure, he's born after Nero attacks and the timelines split, but his mother was going into labour before - this isn't some premature birth started at the time splinter point (if that baby was born two months early then the kid in American Sniper looked real).

So even though he created an in-universe reason to allow him to mess with the canon as he pleased, Abrams still wound up mucking up the carefully crafted Star Trek world.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.