9 Terrible Casting Decisions That Ruined Great Movies

9. Chris Tucker - The Fifth Element

Luc Besson€™'s hyperactive sci-fi fantasy may not be everyone€™s cup of tea €“ Gary Oldman himself has said he €œcan€™t bear it€ €“ but it€™s a lot of fun if you surrender to the silliness. Unfortunately. the movie was also responsible for giving human airhorn Chris Tucker a star-making role, where he plays the unbearable talk show host Rudy Rhod.

There'€™s little reason for the character to even be in the movie, other than Besson finding Tucker hilarious. Comedy is a pretty subjective thing, but Tucker€™s incessant screeching in every single sequence quickly becomes unbearable. Rudy is a character who even divides die-hard fans of The Fifth Element; some love his wild energy and others claim he nearly spoils the whole thing.

The character is clearly intended to be a little annoying, but Tucker goes above and beyond the call of duty here.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.