Alien: Covenant - 10 Big Questions It Needs To Answer

8. What Was David€™s Motivation In The Previous Film?

It was never fully explained in Prometheus why David exactly was acting out. He took that deadly goo from the expedition without asking permission, and tricked Holloway into ingesting the substance. Subsequently, Holloway ended up dying and Elizabeth was impregnated with an early-stage Xenomorph squid baby. These are all horrible things, and they were all David's doing. This raises a question: what was his motivation in the last movie? The obvious assumption is that David was acting under secret orders from Guy Pearce€™s Peter Weyland, but, as this was never outwardly stated, there's still a big need for an explicit answer. After all, until Ridley Scott spells out the reasons behind David's actions, nobody will be entirely convinced that there wasn€™t another layer of ulterior motive at play. I, for one, still think he knew more about the Engineers than he was letting on.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.