Avengers: Endgame Trailer - Every Snap Survivor We Didn’t See (And Where They Could Be)

Rocket, War Machine, Shuri... where you at?

Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

Even though the much-anticipated Avengers: Endgame trailer has finally made its way online, we still don't know very much about the actual plot of the film. As teaser trailers go, it was about as vague as you can get, a hint that Marvel will be very stingy with the amount of footage - and story information - they release going forward.

In fact, the Endgame trailer was so cryptic that it barely showed us any of the movie's characters. We got a look at the original six Avengers - the ones we all expected to see anyway - but not a single new cast member, minor supporting character, or any of the other major snap survivors (apart from Nebula) showed their faces.

This means there are a whole lot of characters out there whose statuses remain unclear - heroes like Rocket and War Machine will undoubtedly have a part to play in the movie, but the trailer left us completely in the dark regarding their roles.

So, let's run down some of the MCU's most familiar, snap-surviving faces, and what they might be up to when the endgame rolls around.

Honourable Mention

Vision's Lifeless Corpse

Avengers Infinity War Vision
Marvel Studios

Last Seen: The Wakandan battlefield - grey, and lifeless (Avengers: Infinity War).

What's His Role In Endgame? Well, initially, he won't be up to much, because he's dead. For now. Vision "died" right before the snap, when Thanos ripped the Mind Stone from his forehead. But when everyone else - including Wanda, who was next to him - was turning to dust, his corpse stayed put.

We don't know exactly why this is. It could be because his synthetic body wasn't recognised by the snap as a proper life form, or, this could be an indicator that deceased lifeforms - organic or not - do not turn into dust, even if they would have turned into dust when they were still alive.

Regardless, a remnant of Vision remains in Wakanda, which could mean that we'll see him in action in Endgame. In Infinity War, Shuri was working on safely removing the Mind Stone from his forehead for quite some time, so who's to say she didn't download or protect a part of his consciousness, which could be used to restore him?

Actor Paul Bettany told ABC News that he knows what's "going to happen" to Vision in the future, and if nothing else, that at least tells us that his character's story isn't over quite yet.

7. Minor Characters

Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

There are a bunch of minor characters who have been confirmed to survive the snap one way or another, but since it's likely none of them will have a part to play in Endgame - and since they're minor characters - we've pooled them together here.

From the Thor franchise, Jeff Goldblum told Digital Spy that he reckons The Grandmaster can't be killed, insinuating that he survived the snap. That's not a rock-solid confirmation, but there you go.

Elsewhere, Dr. Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis are also alive and well, if a book set after Infinity War is anything to go by. In this story, the duo are trying to find out what caused the snap in the first place, so if we don't see them in Endgame, we can assume that this is what they're up to.

The Avengers Erik Selvig
Marvel Studios

On the Spider-Man side of things, the Russo Brothers have confirmed that Aunt May is alive and well (via HuffPost). That means she's sat at home waiting for Peter to return... sobs. As for characters like Ned, Toomes and MJ? We don't know. It's unlikely any of these characters will be in Endgame anyway.

T'Challa's mother Ramonda, Everett Ross, and Kurt - one of Ant-Man's buddies - have all been mentioned by the actors or directors as likely snap survivors too. Again, none of these characters will have a substantial role in Endgame (most won't even have a role at all) so it doesn't really matter where they are or what they're up to.

They're just... out there somewhere.

Black Panther Everett Ross
Marvel Studios

Other characters who aren't quite minor, but aren't quite major either - like Pepper and Nakia - haven't been addressed either way, so we can't include them in this list.

We also don't know Captain Marvel's snapped/not snapped status, but she'll definitely have a huge role to play in the film when she does show up.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.