Batman vs Superman: 10 Reasons Jesse Eisenberg As Lex Luthor Is All Wrong

4. Eisenberg Has Too Much Hair

I know what you're thinking. Slap a bald cap on Eisenberg and he's ready to go, but you've got to think to yourself, can Eisenberg pull it off? I know that might not sound important to some of you, but Luthor's look is defined by that gleaming noggin and if Eisenberg looks ridiculous without hair, the entire performance will instantly lose all credibility.

I don't care how realistic the bald cap might end up looking: Eisenberg's appearance is memorable because of that curly mop of hair on his head and without it, audiences will be completely distracted during the all-important villains monologue, looking for the seam where the forehead ends and the bald cap begins.

David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites,