Captain Marvel Trailer: 5 Things We Want To See

4. Nick Fury

Captain Marvl Skrull
Entertainment Weekly

Nick Fury has been around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever since the end of Iron Man when he appeared in Tony Stark's Malibu mansion to talk to him about the 'Avengers Initiative'. But as Nick told Tony in Iron Man 2, he wasn't the biggest problem that Fury was having to deal with. After all, he's dealt with Skrulls by this point.

Or at least, we hope he has. Since the EW preview showed us the de-aged Nick without his iconic eye-patch - we're assuming that Marvel are planning to give us an origin for the Nick Fury we know and love. Marvel's de-aging technology is astounding, and it would be a shame not to show that off, and who doesn't want to see a nineties Samuel L. Jackson fighting aliens? That's a great selling point.

It's worth remembering that in Captain America: The Winter Soldier he mentions "the last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye". Who does he misplace his trust in that cost him part of his sight? Since the Skrulls are shape-shifters, it's likely they'll infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury could be fooled by someone he thinks is a colleague.


Film and TV fan with a weakness for comic books. Will fight you as to why Green Arrow is better than Hawkeye.