Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

68. The Time Jump Mimics Comic Book Stylings

The first hour of the movie is one big action sequence intercut with extended flashbacks detailing how Wade Wilson became Deadpool. Helpfully, the very first jump back, seeing Wade when he was a simple gun for hire, is accompanied by a little "2 Years Earlier" time stamp in the style of a traditional comic book.

67. Sister Margaret Nods To An Obscure Comic Book Character

In the movie, Weasel's bar is called Sister Margaret's. Obviously a bit of ironic titling - there's nothing holy about this place - it also doubles as a reference to an obscure comic character of the same name. A badass nun, Sister Margaret appeared in the future-set X-Men 2099 as a member of the humorously named Sisterhood of the Howling Commandments.

66-65. Rob Liefeld's Cameo

Less than half an hour in and the movie offers up its third Rob Liefeld joke - this time it's the man himself. When Wade walks into Weasel's bar, one of the patrons shouts out of nowhere "F*ck Liefeld!" That man is, of course, the creator. And, it seems like he may actually be cameoing as himself; in an extra egg, his name is on the Dead Pool board alongside Wade, Weasel and Buck.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.