Doctor Strange: 10 Reasons Benedict Cumberbatch Is Perfect

10. He Can Do Theatrical...

Stephen Strange is a complex character. He's also pretty different from the rest of the characters in the Marvel Universe, and strikingly so from those introduced in the films so far - not only because he deals with all this supernatural stuff, but because he has rather a different tenor to the wise-cracking, witty bunch of crimefighters that have helped said films be so successful with a mainstream audience. No, Doctor Strange doesn't have a whole lot in common with the charismatic Tony Stark or fish-out-of-water Steve Rogers. He's much more...refined. The original Doctor Strange comics from the sixties were full of the sort of flowery dialogue of the era, but he's one of the few characters who retained his love for an eloquent turn of phrase. There's always been something theatrical about the character and the way he speaks, which should suit Cumberbatch down to the ground. What with that surname he's made a career out of playing upper class types, and before his breakthrough movie roles he made a name treading the boards.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at