Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Villain Ranked Worst To Best

28. Whiplash - Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 Whiplash
Marvel Studios

Plan: Vengeance, after Tony Stark stole the credit for his father's genius.

Status: Deceased.

Iron Man 2 was unquestionably a low point in the MCU, but you have to admire what Mickey Rourke tried to do with Ivan Vanko, even in the face of reported studio meddling.

Having just won an Oscar for The Wrestler and reclaimed some of his profile as an impressive actor, Rourke sold Vanko's vendetta against the Starks perfectly, and he certainly looked the part in his first Whiplash costume. Unfortunately, the script was trash and he ends up being sidelined in favour of Justin Hammer until he's reintroduced with a bland looking war suit that doesn't really help him.

It could have been different, but as Rourke subsequently revealed, Marvel were too interested in making him "a one-dimensional bad guy" and ignored his desires to "bring some other layers and colors", cutting lots of his footage.


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