Josh Brolin: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

5 Awesome Performances...

5. Dr. William Block - Planet Terror (2007)

Br51 In his contribution to the Grindhouse double feature, Robert Rodriguez penned a love letter to the zombie movie with Planet Terror, which follows a rag-tag group of survivors in rural Texas, after a chemical weapon is unleashed. The film is the superior of the two Grindhouse offerings both in terms of narrative and visuals, the grainy filter fits the deliberately schlocky tone and sells it as a modern B-Movie. If you're a fan of violence, ridiculous action and the grotesque, then you'll be right at home here, just as Josh Brolin seems to have been. He fits into this narrative as the sinister Dr. William Block, tasked with treating the first cases of infection, while also dealing with his suspicions that his wife is being unfaithful, which leads him to intimidate her and eventually attack her with an anaesthetic syringe in a notably horrific sequence. His performance in this role is mostly subdued (needle attack notwithstanding), but he provokes lots of tension and his understated menace is almost viscerally affecting. As testament to Brolin's performance, you get a real sense that there is something ominous lurking beneath the surface of the character the second he appears on screen.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson