Justice League Trailer: 23 Best Internet Reactions

Get hype all over again.

Justice League The Flash RT
Warner Bros.

The first full trailer for Justice League has well and truly set the Internet on fire with the memes, the sass, and the genuine hope that perhaps this November could signal the turnaround the DCEU is desperately in need of.

Yes, Wonder Woman will hit screens several months before Justice League, but it's the team-up that everyone's really waiting for, the Avengers-like main course that fans, having struggled through so many mediocre DC movies of late, thoroughly deserve.

It remains to be seen whether or not Warner Bros. will remain restrained with their future marketing (after Batman v Superman gave far, far too much away), but for now, there's a prevailing air of cautious optimism for Zack Snyder's latest (with more than a pinch of understandable skepticism, too).

23. Because She's Worth It...

Wonder Woman is certainly much more than a pretty face and awesomely-conditioned head of hair, but what hair! After destroying some armed security goons without breaking a sweat, Wonder Woman treats fans to a glorious slow-mo hair flick. If L'Oreal aren't already pursuing a movie tie-in, they've screwed up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.