Man Of Steel 2: 5 Things That Would Make The Sequel Soar

2. Lois and Clark

man of steel Whatever fans and critics alike made of the relationship that has always been central to the mythology, one thing is for sure: there is so much more to come. That isn't to undermine the performances and the story of the galaxy-crossed lovers, both which are great, and the chemistry is definitely a hit. It could be argued that both Cavill and Adams suffer slightly in both the lack of real tension between the two, or that the aforementioned script lacks the true emotional punch that work so successfully in Donner's version, but what truly matters is that this is still love at first sight. Adams in particular is superb in the film, and her performance is arguably the best interpretation of Lois Lane committed to film: strong, thoughtful, charming and beautiful, she certainly displays her Oscar-worthy credentials here and outshines both Margot Kidder and the drab, useless Kate Bosworth/Bryan Singer version. Furthermore, as with many successful things in the film, their relationship is new, and the ideas behind their romance (Lois calling him Clark in the suit, the superb reversed ending) gives their bond such a fresh perspective. What the film teases is the beginning of their bond, that getting-to-know-you phase that has still to fully bloom into true love. But under the careful guidance of Goyer and Snyder (and a dash of Mr.Nolan), this could be the pinnacle of the Lois/Clark history.

Lover of Batman, Steve Martin, Jim Carrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Christopher Nolan and Will Ferrell. Sucker for comic-book movies, indies, Jennifer Lawrence, tea and Tottenham. Favourite films: Terminator 2, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Masters of the Universe, Dumb and Dumber, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Sideways, American Psycho, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Lost In Translation.