Star Wars: 10 Worst Crimes Committed In Its Name

1. I'm Not The One You're Looking For

obi-wan clone One wonders what exactly old Ben Kenobi was up to during his 18 years of exile in Tatooine. He was relatively young after he nearly killed Anakin so it's kind of baffling that he didn't exert more energy to try to assist the Rebellion in destroying the Empire. Did he just hang out with Jedi ghosts and use his krayt dragon call to scare off random Tusken Raiders? There are some similarities in place between Tatooine and the state of North Dakota, both places that are very far away from the bright center of the universe. This was where the similarities end though as a North Dakota man who identified himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to steal a car. The car thief was caught by police officers, however he still decided to keep up his ruse. The man told the police that he was simply obeying orders from "The Force." He even signed a police document with the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unlike the storm troopers in A New Hope, the police were not fooled by the man's attempt at a Jedi mind trick and the thief was arrested anyway.
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Writer, movie fan, sports nerd. Particularly love sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings). Love in-depth discussion of films that goes into detail, especially about character motivation. Sometimes wish I was British. Journalism major with psychology minor. You can follow me on twitter @James__Reagan.