Suicide Squad: You're REALLY Going To Want This Joker Poster

That's a hell of a smile...

Joker Poster Hot Topic
Warner Bros.

As the dial gets turned up on the Suicide Squad marketing campaign, and the soundtrack's music videos are the big topic of conversation, Hot Topic have released another batch of stylised posters for the film's release.

The arty, provocative designs are sure to find their fans, particularly the exceptional, creepy Joker one...

Joker SS
Warner Bros.

The others in the batch also include something of a semi-spoiler for El Diablo - the fire-wielding, tattooed faced villain who's kept in a water tank for everyone's safety - who has the word "Redemption" emblazoned behind him. So that's basically further confirmation that El Diablo is looking to white his slate clean after accidentally killing some people with his powers then...

Diablo SS
Warner Bros

There's also a more conventional Squad poster...

Squad Trust SS
Warner Bros.

And A Harley and Joker twin portrait...

Harley Joker Ss
Warner Bros.

Are you a fan of these posters? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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