The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Wishlist: 10 Things That Must Happen

What do fans want to see when the Webbed Wonder returns?

In spite of the fact that rumours persist about a deal between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios to allow Spider-Man to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Amazing Spider-Man franchise isn't dead in the water yet. The Webbed Wonder could be set to make an appearance in the Avengers: Infinity War movies, but there is still a third Amazing Spider-Man movie scheduled for 2018. Before either of those things happen, the Amazing Spider-Man franchise is set to expand with the production of both a Sinister Six movie and an unnamed movie that could feature an as yet unidentified female lead or Venom (or indeed both). Given that the franchise took something of a pasting after the underwhelming reception to The Amazing Spider-Man 2, there's a lot of responsibility on the coming films to give it a lift and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 carries a large chunk of that burden. This article is going to take a look at some of the things that third solo outing in the franchise should include in order to meet the demands of audiences and bring it back to the level expected of such a huge character's movies. Let's get started...

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.