The Revenant: What To Expect Based On The Epic Trailer

5. Brutal Violence

The Revenant DiCaprio
20th Century Fox

Thanks to Lubezki's camerawork, The Revenant looks rabid and raw as well as beautiful - but the violence on display undoubtedly adds to that pulsing sense of threat. Shot bodies tumble out of trees, fall off cantering horses and spew blood into the face of the hero, who subsequently sports the splatter like a mad warrior.

It's an uncompromisingly brutal vision of the west smeared with claret (indeed, red is really the only colour on view other than the brown and white of the snowy environment and period trappings). Inarritu went for New York-set comedy for his last film, and there was no room for blood and gore there.

But The Revenant will quite clearly be no Birdman (if this is what they could show for the trailer, imagine the blood spilled in the actual film), as Inarritu takes to America in a time before there was law. With up-close bear attacks, desperate close-quarters combat and a long stretch consisting of DiCaprio dragging his mauled body back to civilisation, expect no less than a distinctly R-rated survival oater.


Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1