The Wolverine 3: 5 Storylines That Could Be Adapted

After seven film appearances so far, just where could Hugh Jackman's Wolverine go next?

At the beginning of the 21st century, Bryan Singer gave us X-Men; a film about the famed group of mutants that fight to defend humanity despite the prejudice bestowed upon them. With a cast of mostly B-list stars, Singer launched the superhero genre into what it's become today; a billion dollar film industry, with characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Hellboy all getting their deserved film treatment. Not only that, but all the aforementioned actors/actresses got a major boost in their Hollywood careers. If there's one name who's come to be associated closest with the franchise, however, it would have to none other than Hugh Jackman. As a fan of the comics, Jackman flawlessly portrayed the character of Wolverine in all the core X-Men films before moving onto a couple of solo projects. The first, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, provided an origin story for the tortured hero, but failed critically due to the amount of cliches present in the script and terrible implementation of Deadpool. Director James Mangold sought to do justice to the character by adapting the famed Wolverine comic book written by (pre-insanity) Frank Miller and Chris Claremont in 2013's The Wolverine. Considered a substantial improvement over Origins, the film pulled in over $400 million of revenue, instantly greenlighting a sequel with both Mangold and Jackman returning. While the story is currently being kept under wraps, we have 5 tales we think would be perfect for the new movie.

Red Stewart is big fan of the entertainment industry, with insights into film, television, and video games for starters. Despite growing up in the 21st century's era of modernization, he prefers many retro era ideas over the current trends found in many of today's media. Personally he's an introvert who loves reading as much as gaming.