X-Men Apocalypse: 7 Ways It Could Change The Franchise Forever

7. Xavier Will Be Damaged Like Never Before

As confirmed in the trailer, Xavier isn't looking overly well when he uses Cerebro. His eyes turn into pitch black pools for a start, which is usually a bad sign, and he can't cope with the sheer mental force that he encounters. If that wasn't enough him and his chair are soon wrenched away by Magneto, so it's safe to say he's having a bad time of it. We've seen his personal and mental struggles in detail in DOFP, but Apocalypse could very well break the professor. James McAvoy has stated in interviews that Charles tearing out chunks of his hair and going bald is the result of extreme trauma, whilst the film's synopsis and the trailer both suggest that Mystique will be the one to lead a young team of mutants against Apocalypse. All of which suggests that Charles will be sitting on the sidelines awhile, which, considering how powerful he is, is exactly what Apocalypse would want. We know that Xavier recovers enough to become the true Professor X by the time of Wolverine's new future, but that's not to say the road to recovery after Apocalypse's attack isn't long and brutal.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.