10 Awkward Moments In Awesome Recent Video Games

9. "Eli" From Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Devil May Cry 5 Dante Michael Jackson
Square Enix

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is one of the most graphically stunning games of all time, and with more of an old school platforming feel, it showed us the franchise is alive and well.

The story however, is a different beast.

A perfect example of a tone ripping itself apart at the seems is when Lara removes a parasitic worm from Jonah’s arm and he, despite being infected and nearly losing his life to it, insists on naming it “Eli” after his cousin who was always trying to get under his skin. After an awkward laugh, Lara discards the worm and they never speak of it again.

This gets even more awkward when you remember this is happening after a tsunami caused by Lara, that resulted in the deaths of many innocent people, including a small child, as well as a plane crash and a fight with two jaguars that, yet again, left Lara in a desperate fight for survival.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with cracking a joke to ease the tension of a situation, they way it comes seemingly out of nowhere doesn't make it feel earned, and merely shoehorned in there for the sake of it.


Justin Avery Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.