10 Best PS4 Video Games Of 2017

2. Horizon: Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Spending years making pretty good Killzone titles, the developers at Guerrilla Games finally hit the big time with their ambitious open-world action game, Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Taking place long after the fall of humanity and focusing on lead character Aloy's journey from outcast to mythical warrior by way of shooting as many robot dinosaurs in the head as possible, Horizon featured one of the most interesting stories of the year.

Still, it was this shooting robot dinosaurs in the head thing that made the game an instant hit with players, as the AI fuelling these dynamic enemies resulted in each new combat encounter being unique and unpredictable.

The arsenal the developers gave players to not only blow away these aggressive foes, but also manipulate and entrap them, was also a cut above your regular set of action game weapons, and radically changed the flow of combat depending on your loadout.

Every part of Horizon, from its story to its gameplay, was a well-oiled machine in its own right, resulting in arguably the best first-party exclusive of the PS4's lifecycle so far.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3