10 Insultingly Bad Side-Mission Rewards In Video Games

Nothing like a large tree man sh*tting in your hand to make you question your life choices.

zelda breath of the wild hestu

Side missions can be one of the most enjoyable parts of any game. They deviate from the main story just enough to give you a much needed break, can help flesh out the world the game takes place in, and they give you some much-needed EXP/tools/weapons to help when you get back to your main quest.

No really, Link, there's no rush, I'm sure Zelda's fine. Just ignore the screams of horror and torture coming from Ganon's skull fortress and carry on terrorizing cukoos. I'm sure this will end GREAT for you.

But of course, video games are all about rewards. And if you go through a particularly hard side quest and get little to nothing out of it, any good points it has kinda go out the window, no matter how good or bad the rest of the quest was.

Side-missions live and die on the rewards you get for your efforts, but these missions felt that screwing you over for your hours of effort would be good for a laugh.

10. A Useless Statue - Nintendo Gallery (The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker)

zelda breath of the wild hestu

Wind Waker, at the time of its release, had very few consensus agreements with the general public. But one of them was that it was a NIGHTMARISHLY huge game for the GameCube as well as the standards of the day. Because most of the world was easily rendered water, Nintendo went to town making the game as big as they could, and filling it to the brim with stuff to do.

So it stands to reason that not all of it would be good. Case in point, the Nintendo Gallery. The idea of this quest is simple: a dude named Carlov will make a figurine for you if you manage to snap a certain photo in the world. The problem is that there are 134 of these damn things scattered about, and they are VERY specific about what you need to take a picture of.

A lot of effort, so you're probably thinking that there must be a great reward for your trouble. Your reward... is a useless little figurine of you and the King of Red Lions. Satisfied?

Well don't worry, because that is nowhere near the worst reward the Zelda series gives its players for hours of work.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?