10 Most Popular Sega Games - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Comix Zone

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You have to give Sega credit for trying something different with Comix Zone. The core concept of having a comic book artist trapped in his own arty creations is original and frankly awesome. Still, plunge headfirst into the actual gameplay and you'll find a nut that's tough to crack. Comix Zone is a hard, unforgiving game.

It's genuinely upsetting to play a game from childhood and realise it just isn't what you remember. If gamers can name anybody they knew who completed Comix Zone, then that person deserves some kind of award for patience. With a small life bar and super-tough enemies, most will find that the comic sketch novelty wears off a few screens in.

Constantly seeing the message, "Nice knowing you, Sketch Turner" as the main villain gloats about your death makes for a frustrating experience. Yes, Comix Zone was unique, but it could have been doing with a little more accessibility. This was for kids, y'know!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.