10 Needless Video Game Features We Could All Do Without

10. Objective Markers

Since the beginning of video games, designers and developers have struggled to decide on what the appropriate amount of guidance is for players in games, in terms of where to go or what to do next. Games on the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Super Nintendo made you work for it, like the Final Fantasy series wherein you talk to NPCs and villagers who would give you subtle hints as to which town or location to visit next on the world map. Certain games nowadays rely heavily on maps, mini maps, objective markers and big flashing lights to tell you where to go. In some huge open world games a marker on the map is needed, as the sheer size of games like Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption and GTA V would have you stumbling around forever if not for that marker. At the same time, what use is a gigantic, stunning open world if you have no incentive to explore it, if your hand is held the entire way to the next objective with pinpoint accuracy. Objective markers, arrows and maps have made us gamers progressively lazy, we shouldn't need a constant prompt, part of the enjoyment from game-play itself should be in the exploration and the sense of accomplishment gained from figuring out where to go.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.