10 Perfectly Crafted Video Games That Never Need Sequels

10. The Swapper

In so many ways, The Swapper is a flawless experience. Combining the mind-bending puzzle trappings of Portal with a Moon-esque sci-fi story, The Swapper puts you in control of an astronaut that is armed with a cloning device used in the solving of puzzles. The puzzles are insane, often leaving you staring at the screen in utter confusion for what seems like ages as you push your brain to the limit. What is perhaps even more mind-blowing about The Swapper is watching your little clones die off as you sacrifice them for the sake of victory, which is only the start of the meta journey it takes you on. To perform the feats achieved in The Swapper a second time around wouldn't just be difficult; it would be impossible. It's a glorious, albeit short, experience that could never be topped by a sequel. It stands on its own as a premiere example of the indie game scene, where ideas and free thought are more important than familiar IPs and multi-million dollar budgets. There's no reason at all to start working on The Swapper 2, as the freshness would be eliminated and replaced with something that would only be compared to what we've already seen.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.