10 Popular Video Games That Will Die In The Next 5 Years

9. Far Cry

Far Cry 5

Current Status: With Far Cry 5 enduring multiple delays (not at ALL because of Trump's presidency and the continued fracturing of western society), the complete lack of hype or interest surrounding its release should be telling.

Now, the Far Cry games are genuinely very well made. After a handful of middling early entries, the prominent shift into adopting a more overblown tone in Far Cry 3 was a masterstroke. FC4 sadly felt like too much more of the same though, with Primal almost literally being a re-skin of what went before.

The Future: Action fans will no doubt pick up "the new Far Cry" for a good few years yet, but we're already seeing the repercussions of such forced sequelisation. Gone is anything close to the survivalist "grit" and identity the earlier games had, replaced with an open world formula of "whacky" villains and basic gunplay.

Again, Far Cry 3 through Primal have been really fun games, but add another five year's worth of arbitrary sequels and nowhere to go gameplay-wise, and you have a recipe for a lengthy hiatus or worse.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.