10 PS1 Games That Still Look Good In 2018

9. Alien Resurrection (2000)

In cold blood
Argonaut Games

Alien Resurrection may look dated today, but it manages to outdo Gearboxes' 2012 release Aliens: Colonial Marines in just about every way.

Plus, released a full 14 years before the excellent Alien Isolation, 2000's Alien Ressurection proved that the PlayStation was capable of establishing a creepy atmosphere and evoking the horrific sensibilities of the film franchise on which it was based.

Horror and tension are difficult to establish in a medium in which player agency is such an important factor. If the game can't be taken seriously, then nobody will find it scary. This late PS1 game, however, does a fantastic job of allowing the player to feel alone, isolated, and desperate—sensations even games of the current generation struggle to capture.

Gray, brown, and blocky, Resurrection may not seem like much of a looker at a glance, but it has a subtle charm which helps it to stand out against other, more robust titles. There are plenty of awful video games based on the Alien movies, but this, fortunately, is far from one of them.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.