10 Upcoming Video Games We're Most Worried About

9. Ring Fit Adventure

Death Stranding

There’s not much chance of Ring Fit Adventure being overhyped into impossible expectations, with the game flying under most people's radars. Nintendo is definitely capable of big marketing pushes, and seems to have comfortably nailed the family and party audiences, but Ring Fit Adventure isn’t benefiting.

It doesn’t help that the trailers are overly long and obsessed with detailing simple motion controls. Two presenters who appear to have just gotten a fresh dose of Joker’s Smilex toxin don’t help either.

The worry here then, doesn’t come from not delivering on hype so much as it does not delivering on potential.

It’s like Wii Fit for the Switch, which seems fairly straightforward. The balance board is out, and instead you strap one Joycon to your thigh, and hold another in an oversized rubber steering wheel.

A little strange maybe, but so far everything makes sense, right? It builds upon a popular Wii game in a fresh way for the Switch and comes with new accessories to sell.

Oh, and it’s also a turn based RPG.

The genres just do not go together, and doing press-ups or yoga tree poses to attack just looks bizarre. It’s certainly an out there idea, but will it do Wii Fit’s legacy justice?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)