10 Video Game Easter Eggs It Took Years To Find

10. Calendar Man In Arkham City

Rocksteady have made a habit of stuffing their Batman games with lots of little Easter eggs and nods to the comic book source material, with obscure characters and items secreted around the open worlds of Arkhams Asylum and City. The former even played host to a hidden secret of its own that took years too find, to the point Rocksteady had to go ahead and just tell people which wall to explode to reveal blueprints of plans hinting at the latter's existence. Even better, though, is the Easter egg that was only just found in City. There are a bunch of neat tricks you can pull with Calender Man (a member of the Dark Knight's rogues gallery who, duh, is obsessed with dates) (as in time, not the dried fruit) (which would be no less silly). Playing the game on certain significant dates - Valentine's Day and the like - reveal special bits of dialogue from the character, but it took a good three years for players to reveal the most secret of Calendar Man's secret messages. By setting the date on your PC or console to December 13th, 2004 reveals a somewhat meta bit of dialogue from Calendar Man. That's the date Rocksteady was founded, FYI.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/