10 Video Game Villains That Made The Biggest Impact In The Smallest Time

The biggest splash from the most precise throws.

Far Cry 3 vaas

I don't know about you, but I absolutely adore a good video game villain.

Someone to power-up and overcome. Someone to love to hate. Something with a few thousand different faces that may or may not cause a viral outbreak in your hometown of choice.

Whatever the reason, I'll take it. Give me some indescribable antagonistic force hell-bent on pure evil, a whopping big gun, and I'll go to work.

Now, not all games are so simple, and after the late 90s when developers started writing more nuanced hero and villain setups, we really started to care about fighting the good fight, or saving someone from their own worst impulses. Look to 2018's Spider-Man for an immaculate example of the latter, as without such a great performance from William Salyers as Doc Ock - convincing us he really wasn't the villain all along - that final third wouldn't have landed quite so well.

However, not all villains need that much screen time, and you need only look to Darth Vader being in A New Hope for 8 minutes and 6 seconds to realise the biggest impacts can come from the most focused time windows.

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