12 More Enjoyably Dumb Things Gamers Do We Can't Explain

11. Saving Your Game, Killing An Entire Town, Then Reloading

Red dead redemption 2

Few games these days allow consequence-free violence like you used to find in titles such as Dead Rising or Prototype, but that doesn't mean our lust for kicking back and massacring hundreds of NPCs - evil or otherwise - has gone away. Even gaming fans have to blow off some steam sometimes.

The problem is, going postal on an entire town and finally giving that one character you've wanted to slap all the way through a game a bullet to the head often comes with repercussions - be it losing morality, missing out on quests or simply getting a wanted level that will negatively impact your experience going forward.

Consequently, to remedy this, most players will create a new save and then go to town on every friendly NPC nearby, going on a killing spree and causing untold anarchy in the process. Once they've scratched that itch they'll reload to before the snap, and it's like nothing ever happened...


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3