13 Things We Learned At The Video Game Awards 2015

The next Batman game, new Uncharted 4 footage, some long-awaited sequels and plenty more.

Now this, is how you make an awards show interesting. Not only have we got hotly-contested categories such as Game of the Year to debate over, but in being hosted and organised by journalist Geoff Keighley, he's helped bring together the industry's biggest names to showcase secret projects and new footage of 2016's biggest titles. In just two years, the Video Game Awards have gone from a pretty awkward setup involving Community's Joel McHale cracking some supremely lame jokes, to 2015's version being the all-singing (literally, Stephanie Joosten performed 'Quiet's Theme' from the MGS V soundtrack), all-dancing cavalcade of nerd-pleasing fun. 2016 was already set to blow your socks off, but the following announcements and tidbits of info may just obliterate them altogether.

13. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End's Graphics Have Broken Through To Real Life

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02OnzheWyqo Okay, we've arrived, we're finally at that point where video game graphics look nigh-on indistinguishable from real life. First Star Wars Battlefront made it so you felt like you were playing a movie set, and now Naughty Dog have raised the bar considerably with Nathan Drake's final outing, showing off the beginnings of Nate getting his ass handed to him by a new character. As always with Naughty Dog, the animation is flawless and Nolan North's voicing of Drake has that perfect match of cool-guy swagger and "Okay... let's do this" determination. It's going to be very interesting to see how the story plays out for A Thief's End due to its leading title, but when it already looks this good, we're in for one hell of a treat.
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