14 Best Marvel Superhero Video Games

13. Deadpool

Definitely one for fans of the character more than the rest, seasoned comic writer Daniel Way's video game version of Deadpool doubled down on the more potentially annoying aspects of outspoken sock-headed mercenary, whilst also upping the ante on the self-awareness factor too - making Deadpool imminently aware he's in a video game production. Fighting as the constantly - constantly - talking hero (voiced by Nathan Drake himself, Nolan North) you had access to everything from his twin-pistols to signature blades and even the ability to teleport, Nightcrawler-style, whilst the script lived to shatter the fourth-wall at regular intervals. A bit of a throwback to the 3D action-adventures of old, if you're looking for something as polished as say God of War or Devil May Cry you'd be left disappointed, but for Deadpool fans or those that can check their brain in at the door in favour of some really whacky approaches to game design, this was a real treat.
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Gaming Editor

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