15 Simple Things That Could Ruin 2018's Biggest Video Games

15. David Cage's Terrible Writing - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human
Quantic Dream

As visually stunning and intriguing as the latest game from Quantic Dream and David Cage looks, it's smart to regard the sci-fi thriller title with a healthy dose of suspicion, if only because every single one of Cage's previous "interactive dramas" has spectacularly derailed itself by the third act.

Cage, often referred to as a "frustrated filmmaker", has little grasp for naturalistic dialogue or characters who behave remotely realistically, which combined with a usually left-field divergence into unintentional hilarity has ensured that Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls all fell short of their huge potential.

Cage could've learned his lesson - and hiring a co-writer for the first time, Adam Williams, is a little encouraging - but it still makes sense to expect plenty of the auteur's usual dramatic excesses.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.