18 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of The Last 10 Years

18. Your Nemesis - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Shadow Of Mordor Nemesis
Warner Bros.

Though it had the potential to go pear-shaped if you'd been killed by a huge variety of enemies, Shadow of Mordor's choosing of whoever killed you the most to form the penultimate final encounter was a stroke of genius.

All the times they got the better of you come flooding back, all the times they ran in whilst you were innocently butchering an entire outposts' worth of orc, only to stab you in the back and gleefully cheer whilst you sighed and hit the ''try again" menu prompt...


Now it was on.

The music swells, Talion steps forth and readies his blade, knowing Sauron's forces are gathering in one last attempt to wipe you out. The dynamic weather effects soak (or roast) the battlefield, and you charge in like Aragon and company at the close of Return of the King.

Gaming rarely gets more epic than this.

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