20 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of All Time

19. Mega Man 7

Capcom has been plying us with Mega Man games since the eighties, making him one of the most recognized game characters of all time. Spin-offs and side-branching narratives have spiced up the side-scrolling platform action, but most will agree that the essence of the franchise lies with the core series, running from Mega Man to Mega Man 10. Somehow, though, for all the critical and fan acclaim that the series has attracted since its inception, gamers just love to hate the 16-bit debut Mega Man 7. And hate it with a passion. It's a typical case of fans just being bloody difficult for the sake of it. Because, essentially, Mega Man 7 doesn't do anything dramatically different to its predecessors or its follow-ups - it's still a stunning example of sleek, intense platform gaming, and definitely superior to most of its peers at the time. The jump to the SNES took a bit long, there's no denying that, and by then we were already looking towards the 32-bit era and the promise it held, but to single it out as the weakest of the franchise is hardly fair. Bold, detailed characters, stunning music and some of the best boss battles in platforming history somehow wasn't enough for fans of the series.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.