5 Hardest Optional Gaming Bosses That Are NOT Worth The Trouble

4. Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts 2)

God of War Valkyrie
Square Enix

Kingdom Hearts as a series is so sincerely bad at a lot of things it tries so hard at. "Sincerely" in that, while technically bad at things like story, characters, so called "true" combat balance, it does what it does with such sincerity that you find yourself not caring, because what this series came out as could only have manifested as a labor of genuine love.

But one thing Kingdom Hearts does AMAZINGLY is its boss fights. These are the highlight of every game, make no mistake. And one of the best by far is the fight with Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2.

Basically, think a Dark Souls boss translated for Kingdom Hearts' speed and mobility. And once you're done shitting yourself, take our advice and not take on this boss until after you've done everything but the story's true final boss, and gotten as close to the level cap as possible.

But of course, you see the problem. Most people before taking on Sephiroth usually get the Ultima Weapon, the strongest Keyblade in the game, many even considering the boss unbeatable without it. And while the keyblade you get from this fight, Fenrir, is no joke, and getting that extra drive gauge is pretty nice, generally speaking, fighting him is completely unnecessary because by the time you're ready to fight him, you might end up seeing the rewards you get for doing so as being superfluous.

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God of War
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?