5 Upcoming Video Games That Will Change Everything

3. Cyberpunk 2077 - The Next Level Of NPC Animation & Immersion

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red

You know a game is hype when the Polish government pump up $7 million of their own cash to help it get made. CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077 is finally being released in what looks to be summer 2019 (Projekt have repeatedly said they are aiming for this generation of consoles, and the PS5 is looking set for 2020), and is easily among the most anticipated games in the world right now.

Aside from shaping up to look like an awesome game however, Cyberpunk 2077 is pushing the boat out to new levels of realism.

Aside from the latest trailer that debuted at 2018’s E3, a lucky few got their hands on a demo, and the response has been overwhelming. According to these hands-on reports, the sheer level of detail is unlike anything else.

Apparently, it feels as though the NPCs are really ‘living’ in this world around you. Coming out of lifts, getting in cars, talking, getting arrested etc. - reports indicate that it was the first time a game world truly did look and feel like you were walking through an authentic, living, bustling city.

Fresh off the heels of The Witcher 3, easily one of the best games of the last decade, CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot to live up too, but it looks like it may just be up to the task, pushing the levels of gaming realism to hitherto unseen heights.


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...